The Chelsea Woods of Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, Inc. (CWHOA,) a not- for-profit Florida corporation, was established in 1993 as a voluntary organization to protect and enhance property values and quality of life for residents of the Chelsea Woods development and to represent their interests before local government.
The association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership to three-year terms at the Association's annual meeting each February. The CWHOA oversees maintenance of public areas including entrance infrastructure, utility upkeep and landscaping, monitoring of Deed Restrictions (restrictive covenants) governing Parcels 14A and 14B which comprise the Chelsea Woods development, and Architectural Review of proposed improvements to properties in accordance with our Deed Restrictions. We also publish and distribute newsletters with information of community interest several times yearly. CWHOA maintains close contact with elected and appointed city and county officials on issues concerning health, safety, welfare and property value impacts on the people of the Chelsea Woods development. CWHOA built the attractive lighted and landscaped entrance at the Winter Springs Boulevard end of our development and improved the entrance at Vistawilla. Seasonal changes to landscaping are accomplished by the CWHOA Beautification Committee. All improvements are funded by homeowners'annual dues.
Several issues of vital interest to our community during the past four years. have called on the Board to make strong representations to city officials. Proposed traffic routing which would congest Seneca Boulevard, proposed road construction to the Oviedo Marketplace which would radically increase Chelsea Woods passthrough traffic, and other concerns in a rapidly-growing city require that we maintain an alert Association keyed to the welfare of our residents. These challenges will continue with local growth.
Unlike most developments in Tuscawilla, Chelsea Woods is a voluntary homeowners association, which depends entirely upon residents to contribute their fair share to the common good by annual membership dues. Volunteer assistance on community programs including Beautification, Welcoming Committee and other efforts is our key to keeping expenses minimal and responsiveness high. We welcome volunteer talent to serve on the Board, and on the committees. Our community can only be as good as the support our residents are willing to contribute on its behalf Everyone is busy with business and family responsibilities, but the need for volunteer assistance continues if we are to properly serve one of Tuscawilla's most attractive and friendly developments. If you can offer time and talent for the betterment of our community, please contact one of the Board members or Volunteer Chairpersons listed in this guide.
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